Four Paw Spa & Grooming Salon
At Heartland Veterinary Hospital, we take great pride in offering care to make your pets look great and feel better. Wellness isn’t just about vaccinations and medications; it’s about achieving a state of wellbeing. Pamper your pet with our groomer’s years of grooming experience to show you how good your pet can look and feel. Call today for a grooming consultation to discuss how we can anticipate your dog’s needs and exceed your expectations! Grooming is by appointment only.
Four Paw Spa Experience:
We’ll begin with a warm bubble bath massage to break up dirt and debris to cleanse the skin and hair coat. This is followed by deep high-pressure drying to remove excess hair, undercoat, and moisture. The hair coat is then thoroughly brushed to remove any matting and restore the hair coat to its fullest potential. The nails and paw pads are gently manicured and buffed to smooth calluses and rough nail edges. Finally, excess paw hair is trimmed away as the final touch to a top-notch experience.
Available Services:
- Full body grooming – by appointment only.
- Pamper Pet Package:
A moisturizing shampoo, nourishing condition & perfume. - De-matting
- Nail trims

Cooperative Veterinary Grooming Services:
- Veterinary dermatology consultation upon groomer request and owner authorization.
- Medicated bathing schedules for dermatological conditions.
- Sedation plans are available for fractious pets through grooming and veterinary consultation.